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Tanya Longabach, Ph.D.


Tanya is a Psychometrician at Alpine Testing Solutions. She received her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Research from the University of Kansas, with an emphasis on research, evaluation, measurement, and statistics. Prior to joining Alpine, she worked as a psychometrician in the areas of educational measurement and certification/ licensure, including developing preparatory assessments for high stakes nursing and financial planning examinations.

Fun Facts

Tanya lives in Lawrence, Kansas, home of the Jayhawks. She enjoys traveling, visiting Kansas ghost towns, and photography of abandoned buildings, nature, and wildlife.

What's on my book shelf?

  • Weapons of Math Destruction (Cathy O’Neill)
  • Dogtography (Kaylee Greer)
  • Guns, Germs, and Steel (Jared Diamond)